How to see the Telegram address of your own and other people's accounts

Not a few people have used a Telegram application. Telegram is a messaging service application that you can use for free and based online.

In the Telegram application, it is not only able to send a written message. But you can also use a telegram app to send an audio message, exchange photos, videos and other stickers you need.

You can also use the Telegram application on a mobile phone device such as Android and iOS or you can use it on a PC device. Of course, Telegram is an application that is easy for you to use.

You need to know that Telegram is an alternative application that you can use from applications such as messenger, whatsapp, line and other applications. But there is an advantage that you can know from this Telegram.

This Telegram application has an advantage that you can get, the advantage of the application is that it can be easily installed on a laptop or computer that has an operating system such as Windows, Linux and Mac Os.

However, currently the problem with telegram users is that there are so many users who don't know about an ID and Telegram link themselves or others.

For those of you who don't know this. Don't worry, because I've shared an article that you can easily find out about Telegram addresses in the following review.

Telegram Address

How to find out our own telegram id or how to find out someone else's telegram id in anonymous chat is something that is not difficult for you to do. By knowing our telegram ID or someone else's telegram ID, it will be easier for you to add friends.

The more you can see an ID yourself or someone else's ID, then you will easily get a lot of friends. So that this can happen, you can just look at the reviews that I have given calmly how to find out your own Telegram ID and how to find out other people's Telegram IDs below.

How to Find Your Own Telegram Address

For how to find out a Telegram address or Telegram ID itself, it's very easy, you can just see how and the tutorial below.

1. The first way you can just open the Telegram application that you have.

2. Then you can press in the search menu.

3. Then you can type or paste @get_id_bot and you can immediately select an account that appears.

4. Next you can click start, then type Start so you can find out your telegram ID.

5. After that, the telegram bot will automatically provide an information on your telegram name and ID.

That's an easy way you can do to find out a telegram ID yourself. Now you can continue to find out a telegram link yourself in the following tutorial.

How to find out your own Telegram link

How to find out a telegram link itself is not a difficult thing, if you are confused. You can just see how and the tutorial below.

1. As usual you first open the Telegram application that you have.

2. Once open, you can press the three line menu in the upper left corner.

3. Next you enter the settings menu.

4. You can press on the Username, in this Username you can find a telegram link that you have.

That's how to find out an ID and Telegram link itself that you can know. Then you can see, so you can get a lot of friends, then you have to know someone else's telegram ID, and how to find someone else's telegram ID can be seen below.

How to find out someone else's Telegram ID

How to find out someone else's Telegram ID is quite easy, you can just see how and the tutorial below.

1. As usual you open a Telegram application using an account that you have.

2. Then you can select one of the users you want to see the ID for.

3. After that you can click on the username.

4. Then you will find the other person's ID after you click the username.

How ? It's easy enough, knowing the Telegram Address. If you want to know an ID or Telegram link, then you can just follow the methods and tutorials that I have provided above.

The final word

That's all the information I can convey about how to view Telegram addresses. Don't forget to keep visiting because it will always provide the latest articles and reviews every day.

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